The physical characteristics of Popcorn Butter, as you could probably guess, are similar to that of a kernel of popcorn that’s been popped. They are often shaped just like a popcorn kernel, and are full of green colas and sugar leaves. The smell of this flower is the best thing we have to help group it into a family of cannabis, as it smells incredibly strongly of berries, cheese, and fruit. The flavour is amazingly unique, as it contains prominent scents such as buttered popcorn, grapefruit, blue cheese, and even blueberries!
While the high from Popcorn Butter can only be described as an intense body high, the effects are not long lasting. A session with Popcorn Butter can only be extended so far, as the effects are quick to come on but also fleeting. Thus, Popcorn Butter makes for an excellent stepping stone into the world of more potent strains of cannabis, as the high will not last long if it ends up being something you don’t enjoy. The relaxing body high will have you looking for a comfy chair to spread out in. Although it won’t quite couch lock you, as it would need to be active for hours to keep you glued to the sofa, its effects are quite powerful and have been known to make some dizzy while standing. While freeing your body of physical woes, the strain also allows your mind to expand a bit giving you the freedom to express your creativity in a new happy way. Popcorn Butter has been utilized to fight negative symptoms of chronic pain, stress, nausea, depression, eating disorders, and wasting disorders. In addition, the relaxing body effects are an incredibly desirable effect if you are someone who suffers from the restlessness of insomnia.